Wednesday 30 November 2011

All - Behind The Scenes Vid Update

During the time between Sunburnt in December recording a demo of their song "Like A Match To An Arsonist" to now (29th December) we have struggled to export the behind the scenes footage. There have been several reasons for were: whilst exporting the first time, somehow, the video had five minutes of complete darkness added on to the end, and towards the end of the month had several days off due to Jubilee Day and a training day. As well as the need to film and edit sample footage.
However the situation with the five minutes of complete darkness has now been resolved by simple re-exporting the footage.
Here is the behind the scenes footage of the Sunburnt In December recording "Like A Match To An Arsonist":

Here is the mastered track, this was completed on Sunday, 27 November 2011:

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